Become a Writer or Story Teller | Write for Us

Share your most memorable travel experiences! Whether it’s a heartwarming encounter with locals, an unexpected adventure, or a hilarious travel mishap, we want to hear about it. Your personal touch will make the travel experience come alive for our readers.

Do you have insider tips that made your travels smoother? Share your wisdom! From packing hacks to budget-friendly accommodation finds, your practical advice can be a game-changer for someone planning their next getaway. Also, we welcome those who want to publish their links on our website.

Content Submission Website 

  • Word Count: Aim for 500-800 words.
  • Language: Keep it simple and easy to understand. Imagine you’re sharing your story with a friend.
  • Originality: Only submit original content that hasn’t been published elsewhere.
  • External Links: Publish 2 Do follow the link at JigSky.

How to Submit Your Story

Send Us an Email us at with the subject line “Travel Story Submission.” Attach your story in a Word document or share it directly in the email. 

What’s In It For You?

Apart from the joy of sharing your adventures with a global audience, there are perks!

Author Recognition:

  • Your name and bio will be featured with your published story, giving you credit for your fantastic travel tales.

Social Media Spotlight:

  • We love showcasing our contributors! Your story may be promoted on our social media platforms, reaching even more travel enthusiasts.

Community Connection:

  • Join the JigSky community! Engage with fellow travelers in the comments section and be part of a supportive network of adventure seekers.

Ready to be part of the JigSky travel community? Send in your stories and let’s inspire others to explore the wonders of the world! Happy travels!